Students learn business skills at Brighton College

Brighton College Enterprise Day SUS-140610-154440001Brighton College Enterprise Day SUS-140610-154440001
Brighton College Enterprise Day SUS-140610-154440001
On Wednesday 17 September, 15 Oakmeeds students went on a Business and Enterprise trip to Brighton College, which was organised by Mrs Dorgan, Oakmeeds Careers & Work Experience Co-ordinator.

At the beginning of the event we were given a speech about the format of the day, which was all about creating our own product or business and making a presentation on our ideas.

We then heard from Tristram Mayhew, one of the founders of the international business Go Ape. He spoke about the benefits of setting up your own business in an area that interests you, rather than finding a job and working for someone else.

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Finally before creating our presentations we were given tips and ways in which to present and give speeches effectively to gain an audience’s interest.

Both students from Oakmeeds and Brighton College were put into groups together to come up with the best design ideas in an allotted time.

The aim of our designing time was to finish with a slogan, logo, a speech and other things that you would expect from a business presentation. As a result of our hard work in this time and our final presentation, Daniel Bowdery and I, alongside four students from Brighton College, came first with our product and won tickets to Go Ape, which had been generously donated by the founders of the company.

Overall we had learned many business skills that I’m sure will be really useful in our future lives and for creating our own businesses when we are older.

Picture contributed by Oakmeeds Community College.

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